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Writer's pictureHope Huber

January Verse (2022)

This is a verse I grew up hearing, and I never really thought much into it till the past couple of years. Crazy to think it's 2022, we've been living with COVID for 2 years now. And it made me realize how much of a blessing each day is. After being quarantined I think it humbled us all, before we didn't realize how much of an impact staying at home everyday can do to us. I'm not sure about you, but I would literally find any excuse to leave the house. I think we went to the grocery store almost daily, just to see other humans. And as soon as the malls were open, we shopped! We had to do something exciting everyday just to keep us sane;)

Now I celebrate everyday, not only because we aren't quarantined, but because it's another day God has planned out for us! Just like it says in the verse "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalms 118:24) Each day we get is like a blessing and we should be grateful.

Now the reason for the disco ball, is simply because it reminds me of celebration. It shines bright and is noticed by most at a party. Kinda brings the life to the party... and that is how we should live each day. We should be the light in the day that spreads God's awesome love to everyone!

So happy New Year! And remember, everyday is a celebration:)


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